Reasons For Frequent Urination At Night

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Nocturia is a condition in which you wake up during the night because you have to urinate. Causes can include high fluid intake, sleep disorders and bladder obstruction.



However, frequent urination at night is known as “nocturnal polyuria”.

Nocturnal polyuria occurs when urine is overproduced at night while 24-hour urine production volume remains normal



Nocturnal (night) and polyuria (excessive urination), as the individual may urinate normally during the day or even have reduced urine output during the day but at night, the urination is excessive.


Nocturnal polyuria can also have other causes which are not health conditions like: excessive alcohol intake, pregnancy, drinking too much water when it is close to bedtime, use of medications such as diuretics and the likes but sometimes, if not most times, when someone experiences nocturnal polyuria, it can be an indication of diabetes, enlarged prostate, overactive bladder, kidney infection, or edema amongst others.


When you notice you urinate frequently at night (you wake to urinate 5,6times or more) it is important you run a blood sugar test. Diabetes is one of the most common cause of nocturnal polyuria.


When diabetes is not the case not diabetes), then you look elsewhere.

  1. Other test you can run include urinalysis, urine culture test, fluid deprivation test amongst others. The results from these tests will determine whether or not there is an underlying health condition and it would help in prompt treatment of the individual if there’s any issue.

Other test you can run include urinalysis, urine culture test, fluid deprivation test amongst others. The results from these tests will determine whether or not there is an underlying health condition and it would help in prompt treatment of the individual if there’s any issue.

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