You Are Arrogant!

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Sometimes we come across people who don’t accept guidance and fail to follow instructions. In meetings, they talk across other people and try to take charge, even when they are not familiar with the issue on ground.



Their attitude and body language exposes their impatience, even as their dismissive tendency always come to the fore. As a boss, you’ve received a number of complaints from other team members about the rudeness, abrupt and arrogant behavior of such a person in your employment.
That’s why today, we shall be exploring what arrogance is.


How arrogant people often behave, and the possible ways to manage an arrogant colleague, neighbor, family member among others.


But before we explore the solutions, the question to ask is: who as an arrogant person. How do you know when you are arrogant. Better still, what are the features of the arrogant.
These features are identified thus:


Ways To Know When You Are Arrogant

One might be arrogant without even knowing it, that is why there’s need to read through these points carefully and observe areas that need to be worked upon for positive changes to be effected

*You’re quick to judge others and point out their flaws. …

*When you find it difficult to accept corrections.

*When you constantly need/feel to be the center of attention.

* When you find it difficult say “sorry”, “please” and “thank you”.

*. You’re are unwilling to listen or compromise.

*When you don’t have respect for people.

* When you are always feeling superior to others.(Superior Complex)

*You act entitled and expect special treatment.

*When you cannot work under those with lesser qualifications.

*When you’re constantly late to meetings, work or sessions.

* When you’re constantly asked if you can do something and your answer is always “yes”

*When you are always angry at those who correct you.

* When you despise the weak

*You have a hard time self reflecting

*When you feel ashamed to ask questions about what you don’t know.

* You love to be talked about, you always want to be the center of a conversation.

*When you are always bragging about your achievements/connections.

* You consider people you don’t like as enemies or threat

*When you don’t consider it necessary to say “thank you” to those who help you.

*You have issues building relationship

*When you think that you cannot make mistakes.

* You shield your inferiority complex with a superiority complex

* When you think that you know everything in life.

*When you look at those who helped you to get to the top as nothing.

*When you refused to appreciate those who helped you to the and you see them as nothing.

*You show false charm but beneath it exists some cruelty

To be continued…


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