Hello lovelies it’s been a long while. y’all have been on my mind though.

While I was away, I had an encounter with some wonderful ladies. One thing led to another and we got talking. Eventually we got talking about orgasm, of course it was after bantering between so many other topics
Emilia (not real name) raised the question about women and how sometimes we fake orgasm.
The ladies gave so many hilarious but honest reasons. But first what is an Orgasm?
Many people regard the orgasm as the peak of sexual excitement. It is a powerful feeling of physical pleasure and sensation. Aka cum or climax, it’s a sexual tension that increases until it reaches a peak, and pressure in your body and genitals is released.
An orgasm is what usually happens when you reach the height of sexual arousal. It usually feels really good. When you have an orgasm.
Both men and women pretend to have orgasms, and the practice of “faking” is fairly common. Research suggests that women are more likely to fake orgasm than men are.
If scientists want to study something, they first need a way to quantify it. And that’s why researchers just created the first scale that measures… why women are faking orgasms.
For example, a 2009 study published in the Journal of Sex Research reported that among a group of college students, 25% of the men and 50% of the women had pretended to reach orgasm. Among participants who had had vaginal intercourse, 28% of men and 67% of women said they faked orgasm.
Women often fake orgasm by making corresponding sounds, like moaning or gasping. They may breathe more quickly or move in ways that make their partner think they are climaxing.
Since men typically ejaculate when they reach orgasm, faking it may be more challenging. However, if a man wears a condom, he might be able to dispose of it before his partner realizes he hasn’t climaxed.
In some cases, women fake orgasms due to external or situational factors such as:
*Because she wants to make the sex stop: Men and women cite many reasons for faking orgasm. Sometimes, they just want the encounter to end, especially if they know they are not going to climax.
*Because she wants to make her partner feel good: often, people have their partner’s feelings in mind when they fake orgasm. They want their partner to think they enjoyed the experience. Or, they may want to avoid making their partner feel inadequate or anxious about performance the next time they have sex.
* Because she’s insecure or afraid: Some heterosexual couples feel that there is a proper sequence for orgasm, with the woman climaxing first. So a woman may fake her orgasm to follow this sequence, even if she feels she will actually reach orgasm with a little more time.
*Because it turns her on: Experts have also found that some women fake orgasm because it makes them more aroused, leading to greater sexual satisfaction.
*Lack of Communication : Many women fake orgasms because of lack of communication with their partner. They may not feel comfortable discussing their sexual needs and desires, so they fake an orgasm to avoid the conversation altogether. This lack of communication can lead to a cycle of unsatisfying sexual experiences, which can further damage the relationship.
My Advice: If speaking about your sexual desires out loud with your partner is uncomfortable, try writing them a letter expressing your wants.
Some women Fake Orgasm in other to Keep a Partner: Evolutionary psychology explains the phenomenon of faking orgasm as a “mate retention strategy,” whereby orgasms are valued by men, and so women in heterosexual relationships will fake their orgasm to satisfy their partner. In doing so, women are hoping to “retain” their partner.
Porn Pressure: Watching porn can give you the impression that women can orgasm multiple times in 15 minutes. But that’s not possible. Not only men, but women also end up believing that they can and must orgasm within that time frame. And if they can’t, they start feeling that there’s something wrong with them. This pressure doesn’t work in anyone’s favour.
*Because she’s embarrassed or self-conscious: Most times because she’s overly embarrassed to tell her partner how to satisfy her sexually or when she’s too conscious about how she looks, her body, and what her partner thinks of her. All this can make her fake orgasm.
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